Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

16 weeks

Wow. That's like. 4 months.

Each week is a celebration - so really happy to be here, and always thankful.

Yesterday was our midwife orientation meeting. It went well, we knew what we were in for and had some of our questions answered off the bat. I'm thankful that in case of emergency, we would be also attended to by an OB so really, I feel like we're getting the best of both worlds. Emotional support and guidance from the midwife team, and if needed in the nth hour, an OB to ensure Sprout comes into the world safely.  

Nothing much too new this week except the fact that on Sunday, I could barely walk.  You see, I had enlisted the help of my dear sister to come over and help me fix up the front garden area - and get it all spruced up and planted for the summer. I thought I was doing 'light' work: pulling up weeds, trimming the hedges, planting a few flowers --- but lo and behold, 4 hours later, I was exhausted.  

We washed up and ate pizza while watching the LOST season finale (!) and I get up to go to the washroom and BAM! sciatic nerve gone mad. I spent the rest of the night watching the finale on the living room floor, as it was the only way I felt comfortable that didn't make me want to scream in pain. I needed DH and my sis to help me get up and down the stairs as everytime I placed weight on my left - a shooting pain up my butt to my back would act up. Let me tell ya - it was NOT a fun time.  

I now know my limits and now understand this pestering side effect of pregnancy - I didn't think I would experience it so soon but likely it's also because I have not done a lot of regular exercise (who are we kidding here, I don't have a routine anymore) so my back muscles are not as strong as they used to be.  Big wake up call - I never want to experience that pain again but it comes and goes so any ideas/stretches that you suggest - I'm open to!


  1. Oh ouch! Hope that heals up soon. Happy 16 weeks!!

  2. Yeah for 16 weeks!!!! You are getting there! Hopefully you start feeling better soon! It doesn't sound like fun at all!

  3. ouch!! Back pain in pregnancy is not fun. I was in PT for awhile before we conceived Clover and they always told me to bend with your knees like a squat instead of bending at your waste. I did some gardening this weekend and it really takes a lot out of you. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Yay for 16 weeks! I hope your back is feeling better soon! Back pain is the worst!

  5. Meh. Sciatic nerve pain. I have that all. day. long. Ugh. I hope it goes away soon--for oth of us.

    Hooray for 16 weeks! :)

  6. Take care of yourself! I've also been "bad" about not following an exercise plan. I told myself that I would start one in the 2nd trimester...yeah...hasn't really happened (other than long walks in the evenings). Hang in there!

  7. UGH. I'm so sorry you've started having aches and pains already. Hope it resolves itself sooner than later!

  8. Happy 16 weeks!! Isn't it crazy how some days it feels like time is crawling and other times it's flying? I'm sorry that you are in pain after gardening. Try and take it easy.

  9. My exercise routine dissolved when I started IVF. My back is slowly beginning to ache due to the lack of activity and I'm determined to start up something light - yoga on a regular basis, maybe swimming. I'll let you know if it's the magic cure!

  10. Sciatica is the WORST. I've suffered on and off with it and it's really awful. I can recommend, a) icing your lower back for 10-15 minutes...heat can exacerbate it, and b) the stretch on this video I just found: My PT showed it to me and it's the best one for this kind of pain. Not sure how long you'll be able to do it, though.

    And: SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE AT 16 WEEKS!!!!! Wonderful:)

  11. I'm so far behind, but I wanted you to know that I'm still thinking about you!
