Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I wasn't prepared for this


My first beta results came back and it's 328. At around 14 DPO.


I asked the nice lady to repeat herself. and then double check the name on that test.  and then to confirm my birthday to make sure there were no other Wendy's with a beta score of that caliber. 

I'm blinking, I'm in shock and I am was not prepared for this number.  As my other betas in the last 2 pregnancies have been an Epic Fail in my books - I have never, ever been in the 100's , let alone the 300's at this stage in the game (and have known it - my 1st pregnancy I was naive and the dr. never asked me to go for blood tests - I had my first blood draw at 8 weeks - which then I was already m/c'ing) 

I know enough not to base everything off of the first beta, and I don't want to get my hopes up too much - because the real test will be to see if this puppy will double in tomorrow's draw. Please continue to send your prayers and positive vibes my way because we really need them.  I said in my post on Monday that I prayed for calmness and peace and every time my thoughts started running to 'that scary place' - I would be immediately comforted and soothed by asking for God's grace and for Him to step in. And He did. over and over again.  

Thank you for your positive comments and supportive prayers all you lovely ladies!  I've only been able to talk to DH and you ladies about all of this and it feels so great to have this 'secret army' of awesome chicas that know me better than some real-life ppl do! 

Please double! Please keep growing lil'bundle of cells!!



  1. A number in the 300's is awesome!!! I'm hoping for a strong increase tomorrow!

  2. What great news! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear those strong second set of numbers!

  3. WONDERFUL news. That is a very nice beta and though I know you're waiting for tomorrow's results, I hope you are able to breathe somewhat!

  4. Yay!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for 656 or more for tomorrow!

  5. That is a great number!! I'm so so so happy for you. I'll keep praying things keep going great!

  6. What a beautful number! I'm praying for 656 or more. Just imagine...if they did a third draw for any would be in the thousands! Praise God for a peaceful mind. I pray it continues.

  7. YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for your post today to see how your numbers were. That is awesome!!
    Can't wait to hear how they doubled!! Do you have to wait until Friday or do they give them to you the same day?? Thankfully my RE used to give me mine the same day. Either way can't wait to hear good news!!

  8. Wow! That is awesome news!!! So thrilled for you.

  9. OMG WENDY!!! I just got back from vacation where I didn't have internet access... and I see THIS!! How wonderful!!! Congrats on a SUPER great beta. I am thinking sticky thoughts and praying that this is IT for you. SO happy for you!

  10. that's Great! praying for a great report tomorrow too!

  11. Wow, that's awesome numbers Wendy. I hope and pray they will only continue to go up. Best of luck, I'm rooting for you!

  12. Praying for you sweet friend! I am so excited for you! I pray this is it for you!!!!

    Love, Hugs and Prayers


  13. Yay! Keep up the good work, little baby! Sending more happy thoughts for a good number for your next test...

    I am also thankful for this secret army!! :)
    {{{happy hugs}}}

  14. Prayer, Prayers, Prayers!!! Come on little cells!!!!!!

  15. Thinking and Praying for you *Hugs*
