Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 5, 2010

Staying positive

Beta #1: 328  (14DPO - noon-ish)
Beta #2: 538 (16DPO - early am)

So I'm taking deep breaths again.  My heart sank a little (ok - alot) when the nurse told me my 2nd beta. It hasn't doubled perfectly, but good news is that it is on the rise.  I couldn't resist plugging it into the chart so this is what it looks like: 

She would like me to go and do a 3rd beta, if I can tomorrow so we can get the result for Monday.  I'm not exactly sure what to make of the numbers at this point.  I just googled for the last 10 mins on 'betas not doubling but still ok' and find myself having hope when I see that 60% or higher is usually still considered good but then moments later I'll stumble on a sad story and my heart sinks again.

So back over to you, God. Please continue to watch over us.  I'm giving my worries and anxiety to you, Lord. We will continue to trust that you have the best in store for us so however your story (and this new life) unfolds, we will be ok with.  My heart is delicate and my emotions are frail, but my faith in You is strong. 

On the symptom front, my boobs are quite sore (I'm wearing a sleeping bra now to support the girls), I have had lots of 'action' in the ute area - it is like AF cramping and the odd weird twinge (I can usually feel it more lying in bed at night) - no spotting.  Tired as anything - can't stop yawning.  Sometimes dizzy when I get up too fast.  

Thank you for your undying support and please continue to keep us in your prayers! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 


  1. I can understand that you would have wanted to hear a number that specifically doubled, but this is just great, especially considering it was less than 48 hours apart!


  2. I pray this keeps going up and up!!

  3. Stay positive, lady!! No, it's not what were hoping for, but I've heard a lot of people who say that betas should double every 72 hours, rather than every 48, so hopefully this bambino is just a bit of a slow mover and your number will be nice and healthy on Monday. I'll be thinking of you guys over the weekend.

  4. That's a good number Wendy. Keep your chin up! I'm praying for you. Have a fantastic weekend!

  5. The numbers went up! Keep your hopes up! I've had to quit consulting Google for my medical questions. There is so much scary stuff out there that can really make you feel down. All you can do now is put the pregnancy on autopilot and turn everything else over to God. Good luck!

  6. Hopefully this posts...because I'm on my phone...doubling times can be 48-72 hours, from what I understand. I'm praying for you!!

  7. My betas didn't double and I had to go in for a third test as well. I was told that doubling can take 2-3 days. I think your numbers look fantastic!

  8. I was also told doubling every 48-72 hours...and from the sound of it your tests were less than 43 hours apart. Am keeping everything crossed for you and thinking such good thoughts. Waiting is so very terrible, but those DO look like good betas to me...

  9. And by the way, I second what Kelly said about your draws not truly being 48 hours apart. That can make a difference because the growth is sporadic at that time. That's why they don't check every day. Every 48-72 hours is more reliable.

  10. Well I hate on the focus on Betas after what happened to us this time! My last PG that ended in a miscarriage my betas were SO great from day one...until 6 wks 3 days when i miscarried.
    This PG don't you remember what happened in the beginning. Truly our miracle baby 32 weeks in the making as of today. Here is an old blog post.

    I thought for sure it was another miscarriage numbers were soooo low. And yet as you can see from our 3D we just had done she is definitely a fighter and will be here very soon!!

    I will be thinking of you but I really have a good feeling about this one for you! ((hugs))

  11. Wendy I just wanted you to know I'm thinking and praying for you. I agree with all the other ladies that the numbers double every 48-72 hrs, but I know this is very little consolation when you are so scared. I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend and get wonderful super high numbers on Mon! ((HUGS))

  12. Grow baby, Grow! Those numbers are good, Wendy. I have lots and lots of hope for you and this little bean! Just stop googling!!! ;)
